Obama has ordered that the country take in 70,000 Islamic refugees. Of course, they are not going into his neighborhood…just yours. White House press secretary Josh Earnest said that the United States would “accept at least 10,000 refugees in the next fiscal year.” But wait, there’s more great news from John Kerry on the next page:
Obama is a traitor and Kerry is a fool
Is the Americans scared and will keep quiet??? Isnt is Action time against Obama and his cronies?? Unite and bring Obama to his kness!
We the people say impeach now
Put them in Washington DC !!! They want them, we don;’t !!!
Keep them dumb $#%&!@*ess there and help the country like you were elected to do or leave office
welcome for another 9/11 …dont trust on people of arab and
middle east
WTF??? This is an outrage. Our own government treats us like we are terrorists at airports, and now they are importing 100,000 Islamics into our country??
How about starting with that number but being SHIPPED OUT
Wouldn’t it be easier to send ocrapa & the fairy over there