Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Benghazi cover-up has once again come to the forefront of the nation’s attention, thanks to Republican National Convention speaker Pat Smith.
Smith’s son, Sean, was among the four dead in the September 11th Benghazi attacks. Like the rest of us, Hillary Clinton told Smith that her son had died in a “spontaneous protest” resulting from an online video.
Of course, time has proven that the attack was well-orchestrated, and did not occur in response to anything posted online. Thanks to emails released in response to Clinton’s other scandal, we also know that the former secretary of state knew all along that this was the case.
Despite this evidence, Hillary Clinton is still attempting to smear the grieving mother for claiming that she was lied to by Clinton after the attacks.
Now, Barack Obama is insulting the woman, as well. See what he had to say on the next page:
What a great guy. Sick!
Obama just as guilty as Hillary
Change you can believe in. Yes you can..$#%&!@*.!
Next week as the Democrats embrace a mother of a thug, the media will praise them. If any Republican says anything, we will racist, hate monger and$#%&!@* The Democrats are great at calling people names to discredit them. Hillary and others did it to the women who accused Bill of sexual impropriety. Barry should shut his lying mouth.
What a sorry SON OF A$#%&!@*OBAMA IS
161 mass shootings under his presidency yeah violence is at an all time low people getting killed on camera yeah all time low . Dispicable , Disgusting human being.
You scumbag…
Muslim niggar
We The People will trash Odumbass and Killary in November.
In your world Odummy its better yo honor Police Killers, Terrorists & Muslims than your own MILITARY! You are a Disgraceful piece of garbage who has no respect for America or its people. TRUMP TRAIN IS COMING! #TRUMP2016