Panicking about the fact that it is Donald Trump and not Hillary Clinton who will be succedding him, President Obama has endeavoured to ram through executive order after executive order to make sure the tattered record he calls a “legacy” remains in place.
With scandals ranging from Benghazi to Fast and Furious, it is understandable why many might not have given much thought to Obama’s record on genetically modified organisms, or GMO’s as they are called for short. Indeed, with things like Obamacare to worry about, most Americans might be inclined to think they haven’t got the time to fret over something so seemingly obscure. But if they knew what he was up to with them, then they would know that not only does it deserve their attention but that they must work to reverse the disastrous policies he has pursued in the area.
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There you go
And than trump removes it
This is your man live don’t talk to me about organic
Quitenle la pluma a ese hombre!!!!
He is just writing and thinking that he is important . when trump starts it won’t matter what berry wrote . it will be all gone.
They should make him and family eat it everyday to see what will happen to them.He is trying to destroy our country any way he can.
That should not be his job no more executive orders
Never seen anybody in my life who can do nothing else but give executive orders I hope Trump wipe them right out
Who actually, is our food supply coming from? Have the company’s been bought by persons who hate America and it’s people? Do you know where your food is coming from?
Wonder how much money he got for this