President Obama is about to bypass Congress once again with his royal pen and phone through an executive order that seeks to silence online speech related to firearms.
With one executive order, Obama will undermine the First and Second Amendment rights of all Americans.
Let’s take a look at what our ’emperor’ has done through the administration’s “Unified Agenda”, quietly published in the Federal Register on June 3rd…
One thing you must remember, there are now almost as many of them, (low life, lazy, non working welfare sucking “americans” or NOT) as there are us, (Hard working tax paying Americans) we are almost out numbered, which was his plan all along! once he is out of office, America must cut give away programs and put Americans back to work or we are screwed
Gag on this stupid
I’d like to shut him up.
Yah, let’s get all fired up about something that isn’t true!
pos potus
The 2nd amendment was not written to protect ordinary Americans from guys with guns. It was to protect ordinary Americans from guys with pens.
My God can turn you to stone. I would destroy that stone.
The first amdenment PROTECTS language others find offensive. that was the whole point of it, not to protect what everyone likes or appreciates. Evidentally 50% of America (Obama voters) need remedial education again.