On Monday Obama plans to announce an executive order to ‘increase oversight’ on the rapid militarization of local police, which is in response to public outcry over the ‘war police’ seen in the Ferguson riots.
This EO does nothing to actually reduce this rapid militarization. It simply provides more ‘regulation’ – and if we are to take history into account regarding governmental regulations we can expect that this executive order will do nothing but provide a framework to increase militarization.
Martial law is coming.
I want Obama deported to Kenya bc he is no American
would someone please take this farce of a POTUS and traitor’s pen and phone PLEASE!
tthe king is about to take the throne
NO,do as officers say,you will have no problem. Feds why?
Look how smug he looks.
Is this the first step towards a true “police state,” I wonder?
keep it up you muslim faggot, you’re one step closer to a Revolution that you won’t win.
stay out of local government, its not your problem. The local police have been doing a good job for a long time and we don’t need more Government involvement.