On Monday Obama plans to announce an executive order to ‘increase oversight’ on the rapid militarization of local police, which is in response to public outcry over the ‘war police’ seen in the Ferguson riots.
This EO does nothing to actually reduce this rapid militarization. It simply provides more ‘regulation’ – and if we are to take history into account regarding governmental regulations we can expect that this executive order will do nothing but provide a framework to increase militarization.
I would jam states rights down his throat loud and clear
Will somebody in congress please go buy a pair of balls? Christ almighty, you $#%&!@*s are embarrassing to the rest of us.
Who makes money from this one..cops turn them off or charge thousands if someone wants to see them …more income for corrupt is all I see
This despot must be stopped
Exactly …….. Billy Williams!
His signature is WORTHLESS. It don’t mean a DAMN THING!!!
They CANNOT do anything UNTIL JANUARY!!!!!
They can repeal everything he does..and they will !!! As soon as they have the POWER to do it….!!
I see a mutiny most cops will be looking for other profession or retiring
This congress is afraid of him ,I think he gives them that evil look if u know what I mean