On Monday Obama plans to announce an executive order to ‘increase oversight’ on the rapid militarization of local police, which is in response to public outcry over the ‘war police’ seen in the Ferguson riots.
This EO does nothing to actually reduce this rapid militarization. It simply provides more ‘regulation’ – and if we are to take history into account regarding governmental regulations we can expect that this executive order will do nothing but provide a framework to increase militarization.
1. Create a problem:
government militarizes the police force with weapons, and incentives to arrest for property seizures.
2. Police
here comes martial law IDIOTS… just keep supporting this bastard.
I Wonder What He Is Buttering Them Up For
der Fuhrer will protect us. Not!
I’m all for cops having body cameras, cos that should show the facts! Isn’t that all we need, the truth?
If Officer Wilson had 10. Cameras on him , them Idiots would still have done the same thing , Cause Their Hero’s Brock & Eric Told them too !
Obama should put one on first. Set the example.
I am so against anything this man does ……including breathing !
can handle body cameras and non lethal weapons like maze.
who the hell does he think he think he is?when will it end??? my God I am afraid for all young people; what he is doing is pure self centered bs..