On Monday Obama plans to announce an executive order to ‘increase oversight’ on the rapid militarization of local police, which is in response to public outcry over the ‘war police’ seen in the Ferguson riots.
This EO does nothing to actually reduce this rapid militarization. It simply provides more ‘regulation’ – and if we are to take history into account regarding governmental regulations we can expect that this executive order will do nothing but provide a framework to increase militarization.
Excuse me…..we are stupid to let this sh%t happen. F$-k this. PC bull%&-. OK read history people.
666 likes this post! WTH!
He needs to stop trying to take power he has no authority to take.
More BS from this group
‘Lock and load’ or get your ‘brown shirts’ pressed and ready…
Martial law is obozzo’s ultimate goal to keep his worthless, muslim ass in office.
Idiot racist.
I’d like to know that too. It seems between Obama and Holder it’s the thugs getting all the attention, have all the rights. If you are white it’s ho-hum.
This may be a good isea…to help the police!! But I am more than a little tired of OBAMAS “EXECUTIVE DECISIONS”? The people should decide !!