On Monday Obama plans to announce an executive order to ‘increase oversight’ on the rapid militarization of local police, which is in response to public outcry over the ‘war police’ seen in the Ferguson riots.
This EO does nothing to actually reduce this rapid militarization. It simply provides more ‘regulation’ – and if we are to take history into account regarding governmental regulations we can expect that this executive order will do nothing but provide a framework to increase militarization.
Seems to be acting in “ignorance”. Simply inflaming the fire. Why???
Little Hitler. Wake up people.
This is not only a fight for freedom it’s a fight for your life
I’d like to shove his pen and his “executive ” orders where the sun doesn’t shine
This is so scary. POTUS is a very dangerous person. He has got to be impeached!
tHE gOVERNORS OF THE STATES SHOULD MAKE ALL Executive Orders from Obama that effect there states nagativly void and blocked to send a message the Constitution is the law of the Land
Look at all the doofusess standing behind him!! Idiots!!
His goal is to make us a third world country and in the mean time make sure that WHITE people do not have equal rights so they too will go into the streets and then he will declare marshal law, Most likely at the end of his term, which he not intention of giving up,
IMPEACH OBAMA………..IMPEACH OBAMA! our represenatives need and must IMPEACH OBAMA. If black people ever hope to have a political future they too must insist that OBAMA be IMPEACHED!