After returning from his trip to Asia, Obama officially released a statement on in reaction to the beheading of U.S. aid worker Peter Kassig by ISIS.
“ISIL’s actions represent no faith, least of all the Muslim faith which Abdul-Rahman adopted as his own,” Obama wrote. “Today we grieve together, yet we also recall that the indomitable spirit of goodness and perseverance that burned so brightly in Abdul-Rahman Kassig, and which binds humanity together, ultimately is the light that will prevail over the darkness of ISIL.”
“Least of all the Muslim Faith”?? So a Christian is more likely to behead someone than a Muslim? If that isn’t a telling statement….
Obama called the action “an act of pure evil by a terrorist group that the world rightly associates with inhumanity.”
Meanwhile, millions of former parents whos children were killed by an Obama drone in the Middle East, along with many Americans watching Obama destroy the nation, all released a joint statement calling Obama’s actions “acts of pure evil by a terrorist that the world rightly associates with inhumanity.”
muslim has never been a faith – they have been a political ideal of death and destruction – they need to be taken out
And him denying it, is all the proof that’s needed, to prove the fact – Islam isn’t a religion, it’s a death cult, or perverts, pedophiles, goat humpers, child molesters, women abusers, without a shred of decency in their body. Obama has never spoken a word of truth since he said he would stand with the Muslims!
shoot all of the goat humping raghead’s!!obummer included!
hummm, he sure is up on the muslim faith to be such a devoted christian. wonder why he didnt include Christianity in that statement or Judaism or Buddhism or Hinduism which are all much more peaceful then the muslim faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t think His elevator goes all the way up!
When was the last time Christians were video taped conducting mass murder and beheadings? When was the last time you saw any Muslims raging against their so called radicals? All I have seen is mass gatherings celebrating and few very select words condemning the mass murder from our own President. I can tell you Ronald Reagan would have had his pen out and his phone in hand ordering carpet bombing and air dropping the 82nd Airborne and the Marines into the area to stop the killing. But this President is more afraid of the Muslims than he is of the innocents they are killing wholesale.
Worthless POS-the S stands for Sh-t !!!!
Lets hope Obama wont have to behead as a requirement as he becomes more Muslim centric .
Hmmmm proff is in the pudding