President Obama’s attempts to deflect blame for the wave of jihadist terror enveloping the globe are not working, and even he is starting to realize it.
Eager reporters have trailed Obama from Cuba to Argentina in order to ask him about the barbaric attacks that shook Brussels earlier this week. Almost as if he was just going through the motions, the President made a brief statement and gave inconclusive answers about the bombings to reporters in Havana, apparently thinking that settled the matter.
But this was not enough for journalists, who continued to hound Obama for a more definitive answer as to the question of Brussels and the wider threat it represents. Clearly annoyed by the persistence of the press, Obama prefaced his newest statement with a smart-aleck remark.
“I addressed this issue a little bit at the baseball game when I was interviewed by ESPN,” he said, as if the reporters were being disrespectful or even stupid for pursuing the matter. But it was what he said next that made many smack their foreheads in exasperation.
See what Obama said about ISIS on the next page:
It might be hard to imagine, but the president simply doesn’t believe that ISIS is an existential threat to the US. How do we know this? Because he straight-out said so. No wonder he didn’t seem bothered at all when ESPN asked him about the bombings at the Havana baseball game:
“Their primary power — in addition to killing innocent lives — is to strike fear in our societies,” he added. “It is very important for us to not respond with fear.”
Earlier in the press conference, Obama showed displeasure when an Associated Press reporter asked whether the Brussels attacks “changed anything.”
“I’ve got a lot of things on my plate,” he responded before assuring reporters his top priority is “to eliminate the scourge of this barbaric terrorism that’s been taking place around the world.”
Watch the video below:
ISIS is, yet again, a JV team:
Source: Daily Caller, Truth And Action
It’s ,because a true Muslim follows the Qur’an.He doesn’t pick and choose his commandments.
Dose every Catholic read the bible and live according to Jesus? .No they don’t…most are too lazy to read the Bible and understand they violate the commandments. worshipping idols,praying the rosary for attonment for sins ,and praying to mary as if she is capable of hearing prayer..
Such is a westernized muslim who has been told falsely that jihadist are going against allahs will,but if you read the verses in the Qur’an that are contrary to the fact that Muhammad murdered many people for not converting to islam.This not a false claim.Christianity is far from war and to be christian you dont even condone hate or lust in your heart.(very different).
Muslims that dont condone such acts is very good ,but unfortunately islam isnt defined by westernized muslims…its defined by the Qur’an.
Here is a man who has had many intelligent and respectful debates with a muslim scholar on such a can either choose to have conversation and open mindedness or choose to be programmed by social media and to be swayed without any education on the topic.
What an F’n liar!
Only thing you have on your mind is ruining the country and going on vacation
Sure do you haven’t took a bite off of it in almost 8 years
Oliver Normandeau: Lmbo.
Says the shitstain with no brain
‘”STAND DOWN.” was alleged used in the BENGHAZI fiasco. & if it has been CONTINUALLY used where ISIS is concerned hopefully someone will step forward, & set the record straight for all the world to see what has been going on from day one. Then justice needs to be served.
How in the hell did we elect this stupid piece fo$#%&!@*TWICE?