After spending years bragging about the removal of troops from Iraq, Obama suddenly changed his narrative after ISIS has ripped through the country, started beheading Christian children and is promising to “raise the flag of Allah at the White House”:
It´s all George Bush´s fault.
“What I just find interesting is the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up, as if this was my decision. Under the previous administration, we had turned over the country to a sovereign, democratically elected Iraqi government,” Obama stated, right before leaving for a two-week vacation on Martha’s Vineyard.
Wait…what? Does he not think we will remember all the touting he´s done about taking troops out of the country and how it was his big campaign promise back in 2008? Now suddenly it ´wasn’t his decision´.
What I just find interesting is the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up, as if this was my decision. Under the previous administration, we had turned over the country to a sovereign, democratically elected Iraqi government,” Mr. Obama told reporters just before leaving for a two-week vacation on Martha’s Vineyard. “So let’s just be clear: The reason that we did not have a follow-on force in Iraq was because the Iraqis — a majority of Iraqis did not want U.S. troops there, and politically they could not pass the kind of laws that would be required to protect our troops in Iraq. So that entire analysis is bogus and is wrong. But it gets frequently peddled around here by folks who oftentimes are trying to defend previous policies that they themselves made.”
Mr. Obama’s new take on the 2011 troop withdrawal quickly came under fire from a number of political pundits who pointed out the irony of a president moving away, at least in part, from his signature foreign policy achievement.
Ron Fournier of the National Journal tweeted that the president is distancing himself from his own record.
“A promise he kept, and he’s running from it?” he said.
James Taranto, a member of The Wall Street Journal editorial board and editor of, said Mr. Obama apparently is no longer claiming credit for the removal of American forces, something that, until now, he frequently boasted about.
“Obama is not only disclaiming responsibility for the troop pullout but blaming it on George W. Bush,” he wrote Monday.
Indeed, Mr. Obama’s most recent description of the 2011 U.S. troop withdrawal differs greatly from how he portrayed it in 2012, when he was running for re-election against Republican Mitt Romney.
While it’s true the administration did support keeping a small residual force in Iraq, Mr. Obama frequently took credit for fully ending American involvement in Iraq and for leaving no U.S. boots on the ground in that country.
In fact, during one October 2012 debate with Mr. Romney, the president seemed to deny that he supported a status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government, a deal that would have formally allowed American troops to remain in Iraq and would have protected them from prosecution in Iraqi courts.
When Mr. Romney said he, like Mr. Obama, believed such an agreement should have been worked out, the president said “that’s not true” and went on to decry the presence of any American forces in Iraq.
“What I would not have done is left 10,000 troops in Iraq that would tie us down. That certainly would not help us in the Middle East. You’ve got to be clear, both to our allies and our enemies, about where you stand and what you mean. Now, you just gave a speech a few weeks ago in which you said we should still have troops in Iraq,” he told Mr. Romney. “That is not a recipe for making sure that we are taking advantage of the opportunities and meeting the challenges of the Middle East.”
He is a lousy golfer also , Vote in Novenber
He thinks we are too stupid to remember, and he knows that the mainstream media will not remind us.
The lame stream media are a bunch of a**e lickers.
This little boy never stop blaming and lying to the people of American. He is not worthy to be call a president! Little child that is!
looks like somebody needs a lifestyle lift….
There are words that I am thinking, that I cannot say at the moment.
G.Bush is retired for over 6 years, so it is silly to blame Bush; no this was an election stunt, regardless of who got killed, Obama just wanted to be reelected for his selfish narcissistic self.
its always someone else fault,man up you coward and take responsibility for your lack of actions
Im not into politics at all, but I was interested to see how many negative comments he would get and from whom. I must say Im not surprised. I do not care if he is a black President or White President. What I will say is that under democratic rule the economy always does better (and no i’m not referring to public assistance. Im referring to working people). Under Republican rule we tend to create more enemies, have more cover ups, and go to war more often causing us to loose more of our soldiers and loved ones. I would assume being the president of the United States is the hardest job in the world. It most likely comes with secrets you have to keep that you never knew about till you sat in that office and plenty other problems. Now since most of you had so much to say about obama and that “he is a liar” ( personally I think all politicians lie). Lets talk about some of the things he did inherit from the previous president. (Taken from George W. Bush. His domestic and foreign policies were failures across the board Let’s walk through the issues:
1. He initiated a war based on false data. There were no WMDs in Iraq. Furthermore, the war was a complete strategic wrong turn that took our nation away from the pursuit of Al Queda and the Taliban in Afghanistan.
2. He never got Bin Laden, and he publicly proclaimed that getting him was no longer a priority.
3. His administration ignored intelligence data that warned of likely terrorist action by Al Queda before 9/11.
4. He did not stop North Korea from becoming a nuclear threat
5. He presided over the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
6. His under funding of financial regulatory agencies was one of the critical contributing factors to why the economic crisis happened.
7. He squandered the budget surplus left to him by the previous administration by lowering taxes without a reasonable plan for how to make up the revenue lost, initiating the war in Iraq and then paying for it through deficit spending, and introducing a new Medicare prescription plan without any plan for how to pay for it.
8. He contributed to the mismanagement of the response to Hurricane Katrina by appointing an unqualified person to handle emergency management and praising that person’s efforts when it was clear he was failing.
9. He authorized the use of torture, supported the Patriot Act, and initiated the detention of enemy combatants without recourse to civil legal action, setting horrible precedents in the violation of human and civil rights.
10. He attempted to privatize Social Security.
11. He attempted to start a war with Iran.
12. He attempted to nominate Harriet Myers to the Supreme Court.
13. He signed the law requiring the Postal Service to prepay 75 years worth of pension contributions within a 10 year window, which is now the chief reason we may lose the Postal Service today.
And the list goes on and on.
You better go back and re-live or at least re-read real history. WMD’s were moved out of Iraq by truck loads just before the attack(we watched it on video from space) (all other countries had the same intelligence we did) And yes some WMDS were found but that info was well deep throated.
The economy was humming right along. Remember it was the Clinton era and Pelosi, Reid that made sure everyone could purchase a home even if they could not afford it..Then we had the oil crisis and no one could make those house payments and still get to work. That is what caused the Melt down in 2008. And if you heard what he said about going to Katrina area… you would have agreed with him. But the media and democrats so demonized him he went anyway, which was his biggest mistake. Harriet Myers in the Supreme Court would have been better than either of the two that Obama put in there. At least she loves this country. Privatizing Social Security would probably be a good thing. Then the government could not keep spending the funds out of it. And I do not think water boarding is torture. And Gitmo should still be in full swing. No human rights violations there. They have more than the average American does. And if your memory would listen.. The treatment of AQ was as criminals by the Clinton administration.
Now we have a President who has turned loose the worst of the worst out of Gitmo. Has done everything possible to keep the people of this country without jobs. Is allowing more illegals in this country to take the few jobs that are left. Has used EPA etc. to advance his agenda. Has destroyed our military. Even firing them as we are on the brink of a worse catastrophe then 911. He has destroyed all our good will between countries. He has destroyed our healthcare system. Has caused the racism chasm to retreat back to the 1960’s.
There is a lot more that could be said. OH…. before I quit. The deficit when Bush left was $459 Billion… That is with a B… It is now right at $18 Trillion… That is with a T.
Bush got us in this DAMN MESSS