It certainly must be a juggling act for those that wish to arm Iran with nuclear capabilities to deal with the seemingly never-ending “Death To America” mantra espoused by the Iranian government.
But then again, Obama only needs to preach the choir, and they will pretty much sing anything he does.
Obama’s latest divertive measure on the cry for the death of our country by those he wishes to arm is, well….
Watch On Page Two:
Obama is like a work peer I knew….when she screwed up, she would create as much confusion and stdeshows, no one hardly noticed her mistakes!
There already dealing with a flying monkey.
That ayatollahs been dead since 1989
he is a liar big time
Obama, you are one sick puppy!
And you wonder why the tea party is stereotyped as racist.
Why should I watch his “speech”, he’s only doing a poor job of reading a teleprompter.
PATHETIC! Obama is so evil!
BTW: I watched the speech real time. His statement was not out of context. He is so juvenile. Sickening. So unpresidential!