It certainly must be a juggling act for those that wish to arm Iran with nuclear capabilities to deal with the seemingly never-ending “Death To America” mantra espoused by the Iranian government.
But then again, Obama only needs to preach the choir, and they will pretty much sing anything he does.
Obama’s latest divertive measure on the cry for the death of our country by those he wishes to arm is, well….
Watch On Page Two:
Obama as we said when we were kids input takes one to call one!
Hang and then jail that tyrant. Charge admission to $#%&!@*ure everyone he is really gone
THROW ALL THE S$#%&!@* BAGS OUT !!!!! 😮
Obamination wants death to America…probably why he wants to arm our enemies.
America just look at the Stupidity and Anti American BS.
Real Obama rears his ugly head!
Problem solved
And we have learn that you Mr President so not know anything about our enemies and who our friends are.. So after 7 years you would have learn something but i guess just like in the bible that those who doesn’t fear God is fools ..
I know of many who content that Obama never disrespects Americans. Yeah, right. I have no respect for how he contends these are morally equivalent.