It certainly must be a juggling act for those that wish to arm Iran with nuclear capabilities to deal with the seemingly never-ending “Death To America” mantra espoused by the Iranian government.
But then again, Obama only needs to preach the choir, and they will pretty much sing anything he does.
Obama’s latest divertive measure on the cry for the death of our country by those he wishes to arm is, well….
Watch On Page Two:
You know Obama does not want anyone to have guns any little instability is an excuse for him to disarm a citizen.. And indeed we to do not want an unstable person to have a gun. But then you look at Iran and you think how unstable and evil they are ..and you think ..Obama wants to give them the chance to get a nuke and fund terrorist .? Hand over billions that he knows will go to terror groups and the nuclear bomb ….there is a disconnect from reality here . Iran has plenty of oil and does not need nuclear power ..What they are really after is the BOMB. And they chant Death To America all the time … I think they mean it .
“Iran regime sentences man to have eyes gouged out,” 05 August 2015
NCRI – The mullahs’ inhuman regime in Iran has sentenced a young man to be blinded – See more at:
Iranians are the inbred, perverted people that you are Obama, they are your new buddies after giving them 100 billions dollars along with that agreement. Those new buddies that are going to destroy this Nation and you along with us. LOL LOL But alas, you will be in a bunker laughing at the all your followers for believing in you.
I’m a republican, and I do NOT equate myself with the death to America crowd. I love this country! DEATH to progressive liberal politics which are destroying it!
Now would OBAMA know anything about WAR he gave Iraq back to the Isis?
I really hate him too!
Or ???
Obama is a coward with power! Impeach & jail him!
are just like terrorist that hussan obama supports