It certainly must be a juggling act for those that wish to arm Iran with nuclear capabilities to deal with the seemingly never-ending “Death To America” mantra espoused by the Iranian government.
But then again, Obama only needs to preach the choir, and they will pretty much sing anything he does.
Obama’s latest divertive measure on the cry for the death of our country by those he wishes to arm is, well….
Watch On Page Two:
I can’t wait until he is out of the f’n white house
Drop dead s$#%&!@*bag.
l agree all what u guys said
Nixon got kicked out of office for saying and doing far less.
Your a fuc!ing moron! They do it or get their heads chopped off! Your a stupid azz!
Divider in chief.
Obama would chant right next to them if he was there.
I’m not an Obama fan Jimmy Henrich .Not in the least. The only other option is military action. Is that what you propose? If we’re at war then why aren’t we bombing the c**p out of them. We have not officially declared war. That’s congress job not the president! You forget that more sanctions don’t mean jack unless the other countries closer to Iran are down and without this deal they weren’t! Mofo don’t tell me I’m uneducated when you immediately discredit facts because of who’s mouth it Comes out of. Obama wasn’t telling ‘his side of the story’ he was telling us about the reality of the situation we are in and the practicality of implementing a different deal or going to war. I don’t say this often because it’s just rude and a majority of the time inaccurate but YOU Jimmy Henrich are being a dipspit. For calling me uneducated and for allowing your biased hate to blind you! So yes! The position you take IS sounding war drums. We have many su$#%&!@*ions about Iran and little proof. You apply the cons$#%&!@*ution to yourself but don’t apply it in diplomatic scenarios. If Iran was a person and we were the police we would have no warrant to raid anything. The rest of the world, especially their regional neighbors, have a lot more stake in Iran getting a nuclear weapon than we do! Sometimes being a real super power means $#%&!@*isting local nations to handle problems in the region and just continue to keep an eye out. It’s not like you can hide nuclear radiation. We still have the option to go to war. Why unnecessarily exhaust an option that could work just because it happened to come out of the mouth of a known criminal lying president. YOU JIMMY. YOU!