It certainly must be a juggling act for those that wish to arm Iran with nuclear capabilities to deal with the seemingly never-ending “Death To America” mantra espoused by the Iranian government.
But then again, Obama only needs to preach the choir, and they will pretty much sing anything he does.
Obama’s latest divertive measure on the cry for the death of our country by those he wishes to arm is, well….
Watch On Page Two:
God please forgive me……BUT I HATE THIS MAN…..
this guy is nothing but a joke
Rory..before you post educate …ISIS HAD DECLARED WAR THEY HAVE SAID THEY WILL HAVE THEIR FLAG FLYING OVER THE WHITE HOUSE..radical islamic have attacked on our soil sine 9/11/2011…do you not remeber? .now we do nothing we ” negotiate ” with terrorists regimes who shout death to America, swear to destroy Isreal ,one of our greatest ALLIES,. let alone they are holding American citizens illegally ? Get a grip please..not beating war drum as you has been declared on us .And your wonderful POTUS, has dismissed 157 military officers to include the one in charge of our icbm armament.
No they are just like your comrads, Isis and the Muslim brotherhood! You s$#%&!@* of the earth!
Uh huh because none of you claiming racism are guilty of similar, likely worse, crimes of intolerance. The hypocrisy shines through like a shadow puppet show.
Wake up America. This is how the Muslim you elected thinks
death to iran and their nuke ambitions
BO is a enemy to this amazing country~ @[153080620724:274:Donald J. Trump] 2016!!!