It certainly must be a juggling act for those that wish to arm Iran with nuclear capabilities to deal with the seemingly never-ending “Death To America” mantra espoused by the Iranian government.
But then again, Obama only needs to preach the choir, and they will pretty much sing anything he does.
Obama’s latest divertive measure on the cry for the death of our country by those he wishes to arm is, well….
Watch On Page Two:
Truth hurts. Lol.
As we all can see,he is starting to show his true colors ,the terrorist and the illegals ain’t his enemy its us he hates true blood loving Americans who love this country who cling to God,guns, religion, you people who voted for Obama need to get your head out of the sand,cause he really hates u as well,Obama is a DISGRACE to America.
The divider in chief. Unfit for the high office of POTUS.
We are at war would have to be an idiot to believe the lies coming from this pos!
I dont think republicans are trying to kill an intire plant to push Islam down everyone’s throat this guye is so mentally unfit to be president he needs to be gone now now hes so twisted saying something like this but its really no suprise concideing all the things hes done and this Iran deal is his cherry on top
He is just a sock monkey full of $#%&!@*s.
He’s some kink of special stupid
This Muslim is showing his true colors
moron man