Last Monday during a White House news conference Obama stated that Iran should be able to obtain ‘peaceful’ nuclear power because nuclear weapons are ‘contrary to their faith.’
“We are presenting to them [Iran] … a deal that allows them to have peaceful nuclear power but gives us the absolute assurance that is verifiable that they are not pursuing a nuclear weapon,” Obama stated.
Obama continued, “And if in fact what they claim is true, which is they have no aspiration to get a nuclear weapon, that in fact, according to their Supreme Leader, it would be contrary to their faith to obtain a nuclear weapon….”
spoken like a true muslim terrorist usurper
nuke the bastards!!!
All he does is talk …
and if you belive that i got a bridge for sale
Truly ignorant , and an IDIOT internationally!!
Yaaaaa righttttttt hitler didnt want to burn jews either
Let this ignorant ass play with his own life but not ours he’s treasonous.
Hey I live by where that bridge would have been by and it wasn’t that bad of an idea the entire se Alaska is landlocked because we don’t have it. Bridge to nowhere Ketchikan alaska
Remember that during the obama reign of hate and racism and anti-Americanism and Anti-freedom and Antisemitism that obama committed terrible deeds in the name of allah.
obama has failed the entire free world. He is an embarrassment and disgrace to all humanity.
He is a TRAITOR working to destroy the USA. And congress is ALLOWING it, against Americans wishes.
The moslem terrorists are undoubtedly planning another attack on the USA.
And obama has put moslem terrorist leaders in top defense, security and intelligence positions in the US to assist in coordinating these moslem terrorist attacks on America.
THESE moslem TERRORISTS are obombas “moslem brothers” that he THANKS and provides with US arms and money.
obama HATES Americans and America – the entire United States, the west, Jews, England, freedom, liberty, and all we stand for.
Watch Dinesh D’Souza’s obama’s America.
islam is the religion of oppression, murder, torture, atrocities on humanity, sex enslavement, rape, pedophilia, child molestation, lying and goat fuxxing.
You know the difference between a moderate moslem and a radical one? The radical moslem wants to chop your head off. The moderate moslem doesn’t want to chop your head off. He wants the radical one to do it.
The Three Stages Of jihad:
Summary pamphlet about jihad:
Jesus VS Muhammed
obama: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
He is using debt as a weapon of mass destruction to weaken America as a a global superpower, disarming our nuclear arsenal AND our entire military, to leave us broken, defenseless, impoverished and destroyed – The next third world country.
THAT is o-BOMB-a’s legacy to America.
He IS a FAILURE – malignant, malevolent and EVIL – and Congress MUST STOP HIM NOW.
Our Leader is insane or completely ignorant!!!