Last Monday during a White House news conference Obama stated that Iran should be able to obtain ‘peaceful’ nuclear power because nuclear weapons are ‘contrary to their faith.’
“We are presenting to them [Iran] … a deal that allows them to have peaceful nuclear power but gives us the absolute assurance that is verifiable that they are not pursuing a nuclear weapon,” Obama stated.
Obama continued, “And if in fact what they claim is true, which is they have no aspiration to get a nuclear weapon, that in fact, according to their Supreme Leader, it would be contrary to their faith to obtain a nuclear weapon….”
And teenagers won’t try to sneak out of the house because you told them not to either.
“Barry Soetoro” is a Muslim plant and he is guilty of TREASON!
What a sucker!
flat·u·lent [fláchələnt]
1. pompous or self-important: having or showing excessive self-importance (literary)
2. full of digestive gas: having excessive gas flatusin the digestive system
3. fart farts farting
He is the biggest idiot.
It is part of the plan to take down the USA, when will people see what he is doing. He is not an idiot. He knows well what he is doing.
dream on, mr. president. Until the massive mushroom cloud appears over a nation on our world.
Liar, do you really believe this?