The lawless Obama administration continues to violate clear, established immigration law in order to flood the country with illegal migrants, with a final objective of making them all citizens who will reliably vote for the Democrat ticket for years to come. It is a cynical and dishonest ploy that is being sold to the American people as a humanitarian effort to rescue vulnerable children from dangerous conditions throughout the world.
Time is running out for Obama to keep the floodgates open for massive illegal immigration, so look for a number of outrageous new schemes to increase the flood of people coming in to swamp local economies and populations.
Kids, moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, and more, all coming in compliments of Obama, page 2:
Obama is mocking the AMERICAN PEOPLE in every way he can.What a peice of S**T
I sad it ones and I’m going to say it again I thank our troops are safer over in Isis then they are right here in the United States America
We the American people have a born given right from god to defend ourselves and we will. Obama you are a loser, traitor, un-American puke. Prison for you. All staffers, family members must follow.
Grab ur guns the citizens will have to do our own border control
The Democrat Party is the world’s most successful hate group. It attracts poor people who hate rich people, black people who hate white people, gay people who hate straight people, feminists who hate men, environmentalists who hate the internal combustion engine, and a lot of bratty college kids who hate their parents. However, the real secret of the party’s success is that it attracts the support of journalists who hate Republicans, and who therefore work tirelessly to convince the rest of us that we should vote for Democrats.
Liberalism is the enslavement of the mind and the greatest threat to freedom, liberty and justice for all. There’s no law they aren’t willing to break and no part of the Constitution they aren’t willing to change just to advance the destruction of the greatest country in the world with an ideology called liberalism. #DNC2016 #NeverHillary
I’m a New Yorker, and Bloomberg was tyrant as a mayor.
Wonder how many are Muslim refugees?
That smug$#%&!@*is trying to change the demographics as fast as he can.
What is really laughable is that he expects us to pay for our own demise! But, after he gives our country away, why would anyone want to contribute their hard earned money for that.