The lawless Obama administration continues to violate clear, established immigration law in order to flood the country with illegal migrants, with a final objective of making them all citizens who will reliably vote for the Democrat ticket for years to come. It is a cynical and dishonest ploy that is being sold to the American people as a humanitarian effort to rescue vulnerable children from dangerous conditions throughout the world.
Time is running out for Obama to keep the floodgates open for massive illegal immigration, so look for a number of outrageous new schemes to increase the flood of people coming in to swamp local economies and populations.
Kids, moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, and more, all coming in compliments of Obama, page 2:
He will make sure that he will leave America in the biggest mess possible.
Over population and no jobs… Thank you Mr President!!!
I hope this bastard suffers a life ending condition as he tries to destroy us.
Hes delusional!!!!
America will make a better choice November 8, 2016
Trump/ Pence
Wants to destroy America.
Where is Congress? Oh yea Paul Ryan is funding Obama through his Omnibus bill! 3/5 Republicans voted to pass Ryan’s Omnibus bill! Every concerned voter read Ryan’s Omnibus bill or at least a outline of the 2,000 pages that total and completely sold-out the American people!
Impeach the NON American Bastard .
Complete$#%&!@* Sorry couldn’t think of a better word. Sneaky little devil
Deport Obama to central America since he likes them so much. Problem solved