The lawless Obama administration continues to violate clear, established immigration law in order to flood the country with illegal migrants, with a final objective of making them all citizens who will reliably vote for the Democrat ticket for years to come. It is a cynical and dishonest ploy that is being sold to the American people as a humanitarian effort to rescue vulnerable children from dangerous conditions throughout the world.
Time is running out for Obama to keep the floodgates open for massive illegal immigration, so look for a number of outrageous new schemes to increase the flood of people coming in to swamp local economies and populations.
Kids, moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, and more, all coming in compliments of Obama, page 2:
This part of his plan to destroy our country ….he is a f**e president and I dont know how he got in office. Well I have to believe it is the dumb$#%&!@*democrats who are basicallly retarted or insame Period
Like to smack that dam smirk off that pos face
Gotta cheat to win! We have God on our side and you have the devil on your side! The righteousness of God will prevail!
He is a cat that swallowed, the canary.
Hmmm sounds like a typical ethnic cleansing of the US by the democrats.
Obama and Hillary Clinton go to jail
It’s real simple: VOTE FOR TRUMP IN NOVEMBER!!!
He is keeping his promise to fundamentally changeAmerica. Why can he not be stopped?
Look at that smirk. That is a f— you to Americans. Take them with you when you go.