The lawless Obama administration continues to violate clear, established immigration law in order to flood the country with illegal migrants, with a final objective of making them all citizens who will reliably vote for the Democrat ticket for years to come. It is a cynical and dishonest ploy that is being sold to the American people as a humanitarian effort to rescue vulnerable children from dangerous conditions throughout the world.
Time is running out for Obama to keep the floodgates open for massive illegal immigration, so look for a number of outrageous new schemes to increase the flood of people coming in to swamp local economies and populations.
Kids, moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, and more, all coming in compliments of Obama, page 2:
Barbara Mcgaughey Painter Trump University FRAUD was worst for our family Trump took pour hard earned money hell with$#%&!@*trump
Here’s the proof shot that Alfred E. Newman is an actual characterization of Barry H. Soetoro.
Abomination…What happens when you live in Obama Nation…Abomination – Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers….
We must all stand together as one and speak with our legislators here to fix the problems with the federal government! Our Nation is heading down a very dark path,please get involved. For all our sakes. Please pay attention to the July 1,2016 Executive Order and the new AUMF Obama is trying to get currently. Don’t confuse the federal government with the State government. The people of the States still have the authority unless we continue to do nothing as we have been. Every one complains and rightfully so. The Solution is getting involved at the local levels. Find your legislators. Bring our troops home, all of them! They are needed more here and now than ever before. The enemy is already inside our country! If you don’t know how to help do this,because you’re not alone in that look for KrisAnne Hall. She’ll teach you.
Pitiful sorry SOB !!!!
If he does then he damn sure doesn’t know a con when he sees it
I guess a traitor is more to your liking.
Why is he getting away with this
Kurt Tammy Hennings Brown Trump defrauded my Family for $10000s we will never for give this fraud mother fucker we lost so much to Trump U