President Obama has invited a Syrian refugee to sit in the State of the Union adress on the heels of rising refugee violence in Europe. Historically, the President invites guests who embody significant policy points in their year’s agenda. So, what is Obama trying to say to the refugee community by inviting one to the State of the Union?
Ostensibly, Barack Obama could say he’s showing support to refugees living here in America. But more subtly he is endorsing the outrages and exploitative, and even violent, actions that have been committed by radicalized and criminal refugees. This is never mind the implicit nod he’s giving to the actions of extremists who have committed terrorist acts in Paris and San Bernardino.
So what’s his point? To the liberal socialist establishment that is too weak or unwilling to take a stand against illegal immigrants and dangerous refugees, he is acting as a fatherly figure. Liberals love it when they can be magnanimous. Plus, liberals love the idea of letting in more unvetted refugees. Because liberals are just so caring, right?
Find out more about the State of the Union guest on page 2.
What a MORON!
Thanks for the tip, I’m glad you made that availavle
Muslims can’t coexist even with other Muslims, that’s why you were allied with Muslims at war
With other Muslims. When their enemies were eliminated… You would be next
Haha, and where were you in Iraq or Afghanistan? Once I walked into a room and found a Kurdish, a Sunni, and a Shiite laughing there asses off. Now, yeah they had to work together but nothing said they had to be friends. I asked out of curiosity. And they said when you put religious and political beliefs aside we are all the same. And that just one of the many stories, also they had the opportunity to let us die by the enemy, and when they accepted you, they will protect you, so that didn’t happen. Yeah we heard horror stories of Iraqi soldiers opening up on Americans. But that never did happen when we mix US and Iraqi forces togeather. Fun fact: You know how many Muslims ask for porn or love the taste of bacon? When ask if that was against their religion, they just smile and shrugged. My advice, stop listening to scare tatics by the elite and get out more and experience other cultures. You will be suprise on how these people who are posting this$#%&!@*are fucking wrong.
Also I shop at the International Store in my city (mainly because they have an awesome seafood market and only place to get ingredients for some middle eastern dishes I use to eat) and I am always laughing at the fact that I am the only white$#%&!@*in the store. So Yeah I can see how people can think this way.
What is New for Him of course . How much More does the American People Have To See . If He Thinks He is caramming them down Our Throats he has Another Think of Coming. .I’m am not watching the Circus Show at all . My Blood Pressure would shoot Sky High.. Look How he Flaunted That Bo Bergdyarhl. However you spell his last name , In the Rose Garden with all that How He was So disturbed. I think we have had enough of this thrown in Our Faces.
Wish this Muslim jerk would quit shoving gays,illegals, refugees, ISIS, and hate for America down……. He is NOT OUR PRESIDENT ! He is a TRAITOR!
Racist cunts!