President Obama has invited a Syrian refugee to sit in the State of the Union adress on the heels of rising refugee violence in Europe. Historically, the President invites guests who embody significant policy points in their year’s agenda. So, what is Obama trying to say to the refugee community by inviting one to the State of the Union?
Ostensibly, Barack Obama could say he’s showing support to refugees living here in America. But more subtly he is endorsing the outrages and exploitative, and even violent, actions that have been committed by radicalized and criminal refugees. This is never mind the implicit nod he’s giving to the actions of extremists who have committed terrorist acts in Paris and San Bernardino.
So what’s his point? To the liberal socialist establishment that is too weak or unwilling to take a stand against illegal immigrants and dangerous refugees, he is acting as a fatherly figure. Liberals love it when they can be magnanimous. Plus, liberals love the idea of letting in more unvetted refugees. Because liberals are just so caring, right?
Find out more about the State of the Union guest on page 2.
Please watch this video! Watch this video and have all of it explained … don’t be fooled by islam or mozlems ever again. Watch this and you will literally be one step ahead of them every time they speak!
Here’s the thing; islam is islam. Period. There is NO “radical” islam and there is NO “moderate” islam. There is only “islam.” ALL mozlems read from the exact same holy books; they all share the same beliefs and faith, they are all obligated to follow the same commands and laws (shari’a), and they all commanded to EXACTLY follow the life of the prophet muhammad as presented in the qu’ran and, moreso, the hadith and sunnah. And, if you do not you in a state of apostasy – punishable by death. And they all desire and pray for the establishment of a caliphate or “islamic state!” What the mozlem down the street or next door to you believes and desires is the EXACT same as what any mozlem in ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezzbolah, or any terrorist organization believe.
Please share this.
Maybe he’ll be wearing a clock under his coat ( hopefully )
Obama Americas biggest disgrace !!!!!
He does anything he wants even if he is already a stranger to the American public. SHAMELESS
Bet, he didn’t invite any of our Military that are getting shot at while he practices his nonaggression policies toward ISIS! Do you think he invited any of the families of victims of the black gang violence in Chicago?
Shame on you idiot
This Muslim has no shame….
Asshole forever
I hope he brings his nicest clock!
Guess he should have his muslim brother for lunch they are both scum