President Obama has invited a Syrian refugee to sit in the State of the Union adress on the heels of rising refugee violence in Europe. Historically, the President invites guests who embody significant policy points in their year’s agenda. So, what is Obama trying to say to the refugee community by inviting one to the State of the Union?
Ostensibly, Barack Obama could say he’s showing support to refugees living here in America. But more subtly he is endorsing the outrages and exploitative, and even violent, actions that have been committed by radicalized and criminal refugees. This is never mind the implicit nod he’s giving to the actions of extremists who have committed terrorist acts in Paris and San Bernardino.
So what’s his point? To the liberal socialist establishment that is too weak or unwilling to take a stand against illegal immigrants and dangerous refugees, he is acting as a fatherly figure. Liberals love it when they can be magnanimous. Plus, liberals love the idea of letting in more unvetted refugees. Because liberals are just so caring, right?
Find out more about the State of the Union guest on page 2.
O Buttfucker is a disgrace to the United States
Please copy and paste and start passing this out to EVERYONE!
Although, Trump is making a very good showing in the polls he is not a shoe in for the Republican nomination. He will need everyone of us to vote in the primary if he is to win. Some of us live in a closed primary state and will need to register as a Republican in order to vote for him in the primary. In closed primary states Democrats or Independent cannot vote for Trump in the PRIMARIES unless you have registered as a Republican. Go to your tax/voting office to change your party affiliation to Republican. Do so quickly there are deadlines and it must be done before the primary. Jeb is counting on Trump not getting the primary votes…he must have more than 50% in the primary or the STATE can nominate whoever they want. Jeb keeps saying Trump won’t get the nomination and is hanging on to the promise the GOP gave him. The super pac gave Jeb $128 million to run and he’s going to spend it til the bitter end. WHY DO YOU THINK JEB IS STILL IN THE RACE WHEN HE’S DOING SO BADLY. If you don’t vote for Trump in the Primaries, then he might NOT even get the Nomination to run for President in the Election. Most of you will know more about this than I do but here is the list of states that Wikipedia show as closed primary states: AL, AZ,CA, CO, CT. DE, DC, FL, KS, KY, ME, MD, MA, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OK, OR, PA,RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Trump !!! GO Trump !!! #Trump/Cruz 2016
Of course he does they are more important than any citizen
Of course he is one of them
I thought that they were all widow’s and orphans?
Disgusting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just haveing the time of his life ,living on the american taxpayer, next he’s planning on the UN deneral’s job .then the world will be in trouble!!!!!!
He should be fighting in his own country