The Obama administration couldn’t make it’s contempt for Israel and Jewish tradition any clearer last week.
Having held an excessive amount of awkward, even tenuous Chanukah ceremonies in the past, it was no surprise that the White House’s ceremony this year was an unpleasant affair. What was surprising however, was how blatantly Obama showed his disrespect for the audience.
Of course, Obama himself said nothing that could possibly be construed as offensive. No, he left that to one Susan Talve, an anti-Israel and Ferguson activist who was somehow thought by the White House to be an appropriate representative to light the ceremony’s menorah.
Instead of celebrating the traditions Chanukah pays homage to or discussing the religious aspects of the holiday, Talve went on a crazed tirade against guns, pollution and racism, incredibly concluding her ill-considered remarks with cries of “Ins’Allah,” or “Allah Willing” in Arabic.
Turn to the next page for more about Talve’s rant:
#DonaldTrump NO MATTER WHAT!! I am a very Michigan Proud Female Supporting TRUMP 2016 for PRESIDENT!! Dems have NO chance! TRUMP is the BEST MAN for PRESIDENT!!!
What I don’t understand is why so many people don’t support Israel. They’ve been persecuted thru history and somehow people still try to justify it. So sad. God Bless Israel!
ovomit is anti Isreal anyway – he makes no excuse for it – he is prejudice and an anti – American bigot
O lectures America on diversity yet he is seething whenever it involves certain peoples.
O had nerve to say Turkey has a right to defend themselves! Hypocrisy. US gives aid to many countries so what a crock!
Obama does not represent the Citizens of the US.
Go away Scruge
Obumer is the disrupter of the Universe with his stupid retteric
Make no mistake. I understand he does this in honor of his father.
Look at the background a Muslium prayer rug that says it all