The Obama administration couldn’t make it’s contempt for Israel and Jewish tradition any clearer last week.
Having held an excessive amount of awkward, even tenuous Chanukah ceremonies in the past, it was no surprise that the White House’s ceremony this year was an unpleasant affair. What was surprising however, was how blatantly Obama showed his disrespect for the audience.
Of course, Obama himself said nothing that could possibly be construed as offensive. No, he left that to one Susan Talve, an anti-Israel and Ferguson activist who was somehow thought by the White House to be an appropriate representative to light the ceremony’s menorah.
Instead of celebrating the traditions Chanukah pays homage to or discussing the religious aspects of the holiday, Talve went on a crazed tirade against guns, pollution and racism, incredibly concluding her ill-considered remarks with cries of “Ins’Allah,” or “Allah Willing” in Arabic.
Turn to the next page for more about Talve’s rant:
This is the Liberal agenda in black and white. Read it and weep! It’s sad that some have been accomplished. It’s sadder yet that others are almost accomplished. The one that seems to be the hardest for them to accomplish is number four!
How dare he insult the oldest religion in existence. As a Christian I am offended for all the Jewish people. Next time one is invited to the W.H. say yes and then don’t show up. Don’t allow them to make a mockery of our House or our people. Christians will prevail and perhaps we will be happy with the people in the W.H., but not this bigoted a…. or the people he invites.
B A S T A R D!!!
good the jews need to be lectured asmuch as obama does
The funny thing is, American Jews being well-known for their liberal views for the last century or so, they probably helped to put Obumasshole into office in the first place. Now he’s demonstrating what a bunch of SUCKERS they were
And still congress does nothing!
True to his despicable form.
Obama is a Muslim and he hates Jews and Christians. I do not know why this country elected Obama not only the first time but a second time. He hates America and his only mission is to destroy us.
Barack Obama has been savaged by a top spending campaigner for taking the First Family on an eighth consecutive Christmas vacation to Hawaii, at huge expense to the American taxpayer.
The President was accused of treating Air Force One, which costs $206,000/hour to run, ‘like an Uber ride’ ahead of his next jaunt to his home state.
Fly-time alone will set taxpayers back somewhere in the region of $3.5million as Obama, the First Lady, Sasha and Malia and their two dogs jet off for around two weeks.
They have traditionally rented a luxury villa in the upscale Kailua area on Oahu, the main island, and head out for hikes, rounds of golf and restaurant meals with their friends.
Tom Fitton, the head of the Judicial Watch pressure group, said Obama’s holiday habit proves that he is out of touch – and has to stop.
He told ‘The Obamas’ travel is out of control. They are treating the Air Force One like an Uber ride.
‘And President Obama seems oblivious to the burden he is placing on Americans with his continuous vacations, getaways, and political junkets at taxpayer expense.’
During the trips, the Obamas are accompanied by a substantial Secret Service detail, who costs
What a piece of work? He has destroyed all relations between whites/blacks, all of our allies and made new friends with our enemies…what more could you ask for?