President Obama is showing no signs of slowing down in his attempts to not only bankrupt the country, but subvert the Second Amendment as well.
Within the past year, Obama has used unconstitutional executive orders to pass gun control measures and managed to get establishment Republicans to cave in to his demands for a staggering omnibus spending bill. The result is a nation crippled by debt and with citizens denied the chance to defend themselves. Unfortunately, it seems the president isn’t satisfied with this horrible state of affairs.
Submitting a budget proposal for 2017, Obama included provisions that further advance his anti-gun agenda. Arguing that not enough is being done to halt gun violence, his proposal would allocate more funds to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and the FBI’s anti-gun efforts.
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Get this piece of c**p out of our government
Yeah, I’m more worried about what is happening right now! Only liberals cling to woes of the past, that cannot be changed! We can only change the future, not the past! Not getting bogged down with who assassinated JFK ancient history! Smh! The Bush’s aren’t in office right now and haven’t been in quite some time! Obama is the one now that is causing problems that actually effect us!
Traitor to the core!!!!!!!!!!!!
With our money ?
f**k him..any Republican votes for this, needs removal..IMMEDIATELY
I would love to know just where they are going to come up with a trillion dollars for his socialist budget when WE ARE IN DEBT FOR TRILLIONS of DOLLARS and WE are just about taxed out .
Blah blah blah blah! More$#%&!@*talk from your$#%&!@*mouth obama!
F**k that n****r