President Obama is showing no signs of slowing down in his attempts to not only bankrupt the country, but subvert the Second Amendment as well.
Within the past year, Obama has used unconstitutional executive orders to pass gun control measures and managed to get establishment Republicans to cave in to his demands for a staggering omnibus spending bill. The result is a nation crippled by debt and with citizens denied the chance to defend themselves. Unfortunately, it seems the president isn’t satisfied with this horrible state of affairs.
Submitting a budget proposal for 2017, Obama included provisions that further advance his anti-gun agenda. Arguing that not enough is being done to halt gun violence, his proposal would allocate more funds to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and the FBI’s anti-gun efforts.
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this is why he has gat to go hes trying to destroy us pure and simple
You forgot to add the liberal anti–american freedom hateing democrats
Maybe it’s time for POLITICIAN CONTROL !!!!!!!!!! Lock them up and change the system it’s long overdue
The budget bill will fail. The Tyrants dictator regime is over.
What a Joke this Sorry Scumbag turned out to be.
Good morning friends and fellow humans, I wish I could articulate the things I think and share them with you, people tell me I should write a book, and I thought to myself what would I call it, what would be the name of this book, well I came up with a title, it would be called, Wisdom Of the Wicked, in short it would be called WOW ! And basically I would try to explain to people those who are angry with government and governments controls why it is that they are so angry with government and Righteously so.
And I’m sure people would say we know why were angry, do you really ? Because what you’re really Angry about is that you’re fighting for space in your mind, the government is consuming your thought process and this is what’s making you angry, you have to think about things you don’t want to think about, because your love of life, your love of freedom is being encroached, your mental capacity to think about the things that you truly love and care about is being reduced because now you have to spend more time focusing on the things government wants you to focus on, and this is reducing your capacity to focus on the things that you truly care about and love.
In the beginning you just threw money at The problems so it would go away, but the longer you live life you are either realizing that you cannot continue to throw money at it, or it is consumed most of your finances which has brought you to this point in your life to stand up for your freedoms.
After all what is freedom ?, where do freedoms begin?, they begin with your beliefs, that’s right the things you believe there your freedoms, they are your first freedoms ! The freedom to think the things you want to think, the freedoms to believe what you want to believe, the suppression of freedoms comes with the suppression of religious freedom first, that’s why there’s an attack on Christianity in the world today with the intensity that it has !.
When you cannot think about anything but what you need to do to survive, you have been captured, or I guess I should say your mind has been captured, because now you have been put into a mental state where this is all you can think about, you have been put into a box, were the things that you really want to think about things that you really enjoy thinking about, have been forced out of your thought process, and your self preservation and survival, for you and your family is For most On your mind and is your every calculating thoughts.
And for those of you who keep coming back to government for the reason of your anger, is The reason that your mind keeps bringing you back to the cause of your anger, and you keep trying to figure out how to correct this problem, but the government has circled you, and every possible way that you can conceive to regain your freedom of thought, has been cut off, every possible way for you to escape this psychological warfare for your mind, has been blocked, through laws, regulations, taxes, legal restrictions to bind you, and force you under their control, Because they will use every legal and illegal and unethical and immoral Way To control your thought process.
Some conspiracy theory ! Not for those of you who have experienced it, not for those of you who have been exposed to it.
The war Christianity is the war on free thought, the war on a free people, your freedom does not only come from being able to move about, but it is born right in your mind, that’s where the birth the freedom starts.
It’s extremely difficult to explain all of these facets of these attacks in your life, most people just define the government as the enemy, but the people working within the government have surrendered their freedoms, to become slaves and assassins , against those with and of free will, and free thought .
Those people who have the freedoms of thought, are the ones who are willing to defend this, and that’s why there’s an attack on your right to defend yourself.
Because at some point in your life the decision to defend your freedom, will become a life-and-death decision, to live as a slave, with no free thoughts, or to be willing to die to be free.
I probably could go on and on and on , I would think that some of the most endangered people in our society, would be our religious leaders that cannot be suppressed by this evil, and those in the psychological field, who have the ability to show and articulate to those who come for help for the conflict of their minds, to show them what is actually controlling them, helping to free their minds, because after all a free mind, is a free body, is a free soul, and these are dangerous people to those who wish to control all people.
I could probably go on for a long time, but at some point in your life you’re going to realize these things, if you have not already, when and if you are willing to give up, the freedom of your mind this is what you will be surrendering, to those wicked and evil individuals ! Bill Sharpe.
He can do whatever he wants. The supreme court and congress can’t even touch him.
he is trying to ruin America impeach his muslim$#%&!@*now