President Obama is showing no signs of slowing down in his attempts to not only bankrupt the country, but subvert the Second Amendment as well.
Within the past year, Obama has used unconstitutional executive orders to pass gun control measures and managed to get establishment Republicans to cave in to his demands for a staggering omnibus spending bill. The result is a nation crippled by debt and with citizens denied the chance to defend themselves. Unfortunately, it seems the president isn’t satisfied with this horrible state of affairs.
Submitting a budget proposal for 2017, Obama included provisions that further advance his anti-gun agenda. Arguing that not enough is being done to halt gun violence, his proposal would allocate more funds to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and the FBI’s anti-gun efforts.
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I cannot wait till him and his family are out if our WH and he can no longer steal our money
Holy$#%&!@*….this dumb son of a$#%&!@*used a whole economy size roll of tin foil….lol
You cannot get money to violate the Constitution. That is really stupid.
he is such a waste!
F**k Obama.
I hope that the U.S. Congress has the good sense not, not to give Obama this $ 4.i Trillion budget.. I thought this last budget was for 2 years and now he wanting another budget go to hell.
F bho
This Traitor should have nothing to do with the 2017 budget
Very simple! Do not pass this budget unless certain items are removed.
It’s time for you GOP morons that we gave control of both house to man up and kick this jackass of a President and inflated budgets to the curb to show him his last year he is going to be a lame duck President.
You want to open your eyes about Bush senior? Read up on his executive orders and find out he sold America out!