President Obama is showing no signs of slowing down in his attempts to not only bankrupt the country, but subvert the Second Amendment as well.
Within the past year, Obama has used unconstitutional executive orders to pass gun control measures and managed to get establishment Republicans to cave in to his demands for a staggering omnibus spending bill. The result is a nation crippled by debt and with citizens denied the chance to defend themselves. Unfortunately, it seems the president isn’t satisfied with this horrible state of affairs.
Submitting a budget proposal for 2017, Obama included provisions that further advance his anti-gun agenda. Arguing that not enough is being done to halt gun violence, his proposal would allocate more funds to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and the FBI’s anti-gun efforts.
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Obama cares more about control than anything else, even to the point of bankrupting this country. It’s so nice to know Hillary says she plans to continue his agenda. Just think of it: governmemt will own and control everything, under the watchful eyes of Allah. Anyone who says anything you don’t like will be arrested for offending you or at least for not practicing political correctness, only police and military will have guns, no one will have more money than anyone else, except the government. You will be kept safe and taken care of as long as you live, but only after you’re born of course. Christians will be put in their place and finally have to shut up. Only Muslims will be allowed to openly practice religion, and we will change our calendar and all our holidays. We’ll get rid of that terrible old Constitution and the imaginary rights it talks about. We are wise, enlightened progressives and because we know what America should be like we will rule. Everyone will be equal except Muslims, minorities, gay, bi and transgender people will be the best. Whites, except good liberals who are properly ashamed of their race, will be punished for the centuries of wrongs they committed.
I probably missed some things but the point is made.
Who cares …. Do the same to squirt guns for all I care .
Arrest this man for treason while we still have a country left.
If Congress passes anything this man wants we can vote them out of office.Cause this vote will be before the November elections
obama the terrorist is public enemy number 1 in america and soon will be our destroyer
**…..cánh may bay A 380 bi nut
Dip$#%&!@* *************************
Billions?!?!?!?! Think how many guns that would buy… 😉
Prove it I think you are an illegal