This is to say nothing of the $4.1 trillion price tag on the entire proposal. So not only will Americans have to pay the exorbitant cost of this ludicrous budget, but they will also be less able to practice their right to bear arms with better-funded agencies enforcing overreaching federal gun statutes.
Congressional Republicans were quick to denounce the bill but when push comes to shove, they are liable to vote for Obama’s budget proposal just like they voted for his omnibus bill. This means that come next year, the ATF and FBI will have even more money to spend on hiring personnel to carry out the administration’s anti-gun policies.
“The ATF budget request is $1.3 billion, of which more than $35 million will be spent hiring 200 additional agents to reduce gun violence. The FBI is also requesting more money to hire an additional 230 employees to speed up the process to background checks on gun sales.
The budget request also includes more funding for mental healthcare and gun safety technology, among other things.”
Source: The Hill
Keep dreaming you fool
He’s trying to do as much damage as possible before he leaves office.
When is this monster going to be impeached? He’s just taring our country apart! He is the worst thing this country has endured in a long time!
Don’t give this dumb bastard any more money. He’s giving it to our enemies. Geez.