Being prepared for a conflict means keeping serviceable the old ships, especially carriers. Currently there are six oil fueled platforms in mothballs, but ready to spring to service if needed. Then Obama found them.
Since the start of 2014, the Obama Administration has been actually rushing these conventional-fueled ships to Brownsville, Texas, to be scrapped. Four of these ships, USS Forrestal (CV 59), USS Saratoga (CV 60), USS Ranger (CV 61), and USS Constellation (CV 64) have been towed to Brownsville, and a fifth, USS Independence (CV 62), is slated to join them.
That is bad enough, but a sixth carrier, USS Enterprise (CVN 65), was also slated for the scrap yard, and the Obama Administration has already begun that task, even as Russia and China have become more aggressive. How Obama guts the navy is on the next page:
Let’s face it, Obama is an idiot Muslim foreigner!
Liberals like to pretend they don’t know what’s going on but they do the only difference is they think because of their radical devotion to Democrats that’ll be exempt for what comes down what they don’t realize is these Democrats won power they want money and they’re not interested in sharing it they are using you and your too foolish to know it
Down with Obama. This man is an evil ️traitor.
Alla Alenka: What are you talking about?? “…ruining this country…”?? By saying these ships have outlived their usefulness? Have you ever traded a car when it got too old and needed work that would be to expensive to make it worth fixing? Ever replaced software in your computer because it was out of date?? Scrapping these ships do not make this country one bit less powerful. Do some research……
Obama has cut our navy in half? Where do you get you figures to back that up. Carrie? According to Politifact, the navy has four more active duty ships today than it had when BO took office. And the White House has plans to add another 11 ships by 2019. The main questions about scrapping old, outdated ships is what chance would you give the ships built in the early 20th century against today’s nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines?
I know all of you on this thread hate BO—and I am not fond of the man—but making up c**p or passing along conspiracy theories does not help this country.
Alia Alenka…what ship did you serve on? What was your rate and rank? What did you work on?
I am a Navy veteran, who started in 1978, and was medically discharged in 1997. I have 11 years active duty and 9 reserve. I served on both a steam powered vessel and a gas turbine powered vessel with reserve time on a diesel and nuclear vessel.
I have chipped paint, painted again, done Preventive Maintenance, and know a thing or two about ships. With that knowledge, Alia, I can say, in my opinion, that you are an unmitigated moron. You know nothing about naval vessels, or their upkeep.
You are so right Douglas. All of the people on this thread screaming about a few old ships being scrapped have not researched why. They just hate BO so much that they are willing to pass along false information………
As for your “move somewhere else” comment, Alia, I have proved my allegiance to my country by serving her in her armed forces. Again, what branch of service did you serve in? If you haven’t, I suggest you step back and earn your citizenship by more than just being born here.
Yes we should!!!!
Hector: I have never read a more uninformed thread. The people on here hate BO so much that they would endanger our sailors by making them stay aboard outdated vessels—just because they hate him.