Being prepared for a conflict means keeping serviceable the old ships, especially carriers. Currently there are six oil fueled platforms in mothballs, but ready to spring to service if needed. Then Obama found them.
Since the start of 2014, the Obama Administration has been actually rushing these conventional-fueled ships to Brownsville, Texas, to be scrapped. Four of these ships, USS Forrestal (CV 59), USS Saratoga (CV 60), USS Ranger (CV 61), and USS Constellation (CV 64) have been towed to Brownsville, and a fifth, USS Independence (CV 62), is slated to join them.
That is bad enough, but a sixth carrier, USS Enterprise (CVN 65), was also slated for the scrap yard, and the Obama Administration has already begun that task, even as Russia and China have become more aggressive. How Obama guts the navy is on the next page:
Ever wonder why Russia and China are mentioned in the end time bible prophecy, and America isn’t? Gods plan, goodbye America.
Our military needs to stand up and say no
Chesley is right, this is: a well orchestrated take over of the us —- by:—– someone bigger … THE BILLIONIARE CLUB. look it up and see what their agenda is……. better be sitting down when you read that…….
Agreed!!! We need to get this takeover underway asap!!!
Unconsciable. How can so many people believe in Democrats. My husband was a died in the wool Democrat . After obama he switched to republican. Our only hope.
The danger to our military never ends under this admin. Obama won’t rest till he has destroyed us !!!!!!!!!!!!!
The CIA admitted many years ago that they can re-program people’s minds to do whatever they want them to do. Think about it. Sure, they are threatening, brainwashing, bribing and whatever else they can think of.
He’s selling our planes and ships to Iran and the UN. After all they have a lot of money our tax dollars to spend. And what is your Congressman doing? Maybe it would be a good idea to ask them what are they doing to enforce the laws of this country and our Constitution!
this is true
Wrong, Chesley. One Marine battalion could clean ALL the “filth” out of Washington, including the dog c**p in the White House. Unfortunately, their is no one in the military with the courage to live up to the oath they swore to this nation. And so, America will die like so many others whose peoples lacked the will to fight for their freedoms.