Geoffrey Chaucer is thought to have first written “Many a true word is spoken in jest.”
Shakespeare later wrote in King Lear in 1605:
“Jesters do oft prove prophets”
If America is lucky, Obama isn’t about to prove himself a ‘prophet’ with this recent suggestion about a third term as President. Many have speculated that he will remain in office due to America suffering an ’emergency’, permitting him to suspend elections.
Is this a joke, an egomaniac’s fantasy?
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Oh hell no we want that Bastard gone GONE gone. We have had enough of his dictatorship enough is enough and in his case enough is to much. I Can’t wait till his$#%&!@*is out of our WH. He would not have the second term in the WH if so damn many DEAD people and illegal aliens invaders had not voted illegally .
this country would lose it’s fucking mind
OH MY GOD!!!!!
All he has to do is declare marshal law and he stays .
America fell off a huge cliff when he was put in office!
So sick of seeing this showing up
We had enogh of the KGB busted
He’s insane.
He can not run again
he needs to be impeached not stay longer.