Geoffrey Chaucer is thought to have first written “Many a true word is spoken in jest.”
Shakespeare later wrote in King Lear in 1605:
“Jesters do oft prove prophets”
If America is lucky, Obama isn’t about to prove himself a ‘prophet’ with this recent suggestion about a third term as President. Many have speculated that he will remain in office due to America suffering an ’emergency’, permitting him to suspend elections.
Is this a joke, an egomaniac’s fantasy?
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He is Muslim
Yes he probably would win a third term. I’m sure all those muslims and refugees that he brought in are now registered Democrats. All those criminals he released from prison are registered Democrats too I would assume.
go away please my opinion
His daughters are too old.
Dear god no
Good to know that legally he can’t.
Oh..hell no!!!
Fk,,,, we didn’t want u the first time, be done raghead
The people will not put up with it! It will start a revolution
He want live for that. .Hell probly be taken out..