Geoffrey Chaucer is thought to have first written “Many a true word is spoken in jest.”
Shakespeare later wrote in King Lear in 1605:
“Jesters do oft prove prophets”
If America is lucky, Obama isn’t about to prove himself a ‘prophet’ with this recent suggestion about a third term as President. Many have speculated that he will remain in office due to America suffering an ’emergency’, permitting him to suspend elections.
Is this a joke, an egomaniac’s fantasy?
See Following Page:
No way!!
You will have a civil war on your gands$#%&!@*wipe!
Oh Hell NO!
He getting two terms and that’s two terms to long for this failure
No way.
I imagine being a billionaire, but I don’t for see that in my future.
All votes from California should be null and void since illegals are now permitted to vote. The Constitution clearly states you must be a citizen but since it has been ignored for the past 7 years I guess this doesn’t count either.
I font think the American ppl would do a thing. There to f ING stupid n they havr no BALLS they all have a vag. There’s not enough of us to fight that Don of a$#%&!@*muslim bastard
That would be war….damn straight