Lest any one harbored doubts about the possibility of President Obama letting his exit from office be a graceful one, take a gander at what he had to say about it recently.
Although some of his more unhinged supporters have attempted to cope with the imminent end of his presidency by, whether jokingly or otherwise, floating the idea of repealing the 22nd Amendment so that he could run for another term, Obama himself has been fairly quiet about the coming transfer of power from him to whoever wins the election in November.
In an interview on the Golf Channel, the president spoke about his cherished hobby when he said that despite his affinity for the game, he would not be “quitting [his] day job.” At this point, host David Feherty quipped that as a matter of fact he would be in a couple months, prompting an oddly defensive reaction from Obama.
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He needs to arrested for treason
Look tweddle dee & tweedle dum Two F**K TARD’S At there best !!!
He should be locked up = TREASON !!!
shouldnt have been in there to start with lawn ape
You can only serve 2 terms Buck Wheat ( O/Tay)
Oremo Lwanga – your justification? Your logic? Your reasoning? Your rationale? Did you read any of the publications referenced? I suspect not. Just what in the hell is your comment “you day dream” based on? Try reading the books – then tell me about “day dreams”.
7 1/2 years too late
Poster can’t even bow out with a bit of dignity as presidents of the past have without making it a issue
Not fast enough!!