President Obama does not play chess. This is obvious since he does not hear Mr. Putin quietly maneuvering his pieces into place and calling “check” on every other move.
Obama, on the other hand is bluffing and blustering against the idea that he’s been outflanked in Syria by Russian President Vladimir Putin since the two met at the United Nations on Monday. Obama speaks words. Putin puts in action. Let’s see who wins on the next page:
He already lost
you lost awhile ago!!
No obama you’re not losing to Putin. Why? Because obama you already lost.
accept it , you have already LOST !!!!
Yup he is. I have more respect for Putin than obamanation.
a very true picture
you lost already numnutz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t play chess, I can beat him with my eyes closed.
Obama is delusional.
The whole world is laughing at us right now because thing that going on