In a scripted event with a handpicked audience falsely labeled a ‘town hall meeting’, Obama dared the GOP to vote on whether or not his actions were legal or not and promised to veto because it’s “the right thing to do.”
“So in the short term, if Mr. McConnell, the leader of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, want to have a vote on whether what I’m doing is legal or not, they can have that vote. I will veto that vote, because I’m absolutely confident that what we’re doing is the right thing to do,” Obama proclaimed.
He has Congressional approval…they are all crooks and Liars or they would stop him…Re-elect No One….We the People can fix our government from the bottom Up..Congress one and all are guilty of Treason for allowing this P.O.S to continue the destruction of our Nation.
If they’d just made him follow the Constitution,,,,,, weeeeellll
He’s done an excellent job especially with them blocking him on every corner they could for the first 4 years… The next four years, instead of taking it lying down, he told them to shove it up their baggy-assed backsides!
, the GOP are a bunch of dusty old establishment codgers that do nothing at all for the country.
He be lyin , yo!
Yes,, “excellent” when you take into account he’s the most, arrogant, egotistical, un-intelligent, lying, racist, make up my own rules as I go along, potus in who knows HOW long,,, ya, he’s done a “fine” job
wow, Kevin… you know a lot LOL
Talk about subjective dribble
Keep reading National Enquirer, or maybe the Confederate Times
Very simple question,,, was our country THIS divided 8 years ago?,,, absolutely NOT,, troubled yes,,, at each other’s throats?,, NO,, there’s a good reason the term, “divide and conqour” has been around, and accurate for so long
Gawd you’re gullible. Go vote for Trump, or better yet, go vote for Hillary…
Ever remember election rallys becoming bloody, violent?,, no,, ever remember having a “no free speech zone” near a campaign speech?,, no,,, didn’t think so,,,,