In a scripted event with a handpicked audience falsely labeled a ‘town hall meeting’, Obama dared the GOP to vote on whether or not his actions were legal or not and promised to veto because it’s “the right thing to do.”
“So in the short term, if Mr. McConnell, the leader of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, want to have a vote on whether what I’m doing is legal or not, they can have that vote. I will veto that vote, because I’m absolutely confident that what we’re doing is the right thing to do,” Obama proclaimed.
Since you are not an American citizen, even your “authority” is breaking the law occupying the People’s House! You are an Indonesian citizen, show us where you gave up that citizenship and applied for an American citizenship. It cannot be found, however you Did apply for aid to attend college as a ‘Foreign’ student….
You can’t do that it will all be undone soon enough.
Ryou are breaking the law your a fucking terrorist and a traitor.
This is only possible when “We the People” remain ignorant, indifferent and silent. And If “We The People” are to win this……we are going to have to cooperate and confront the elephant in the room.
And Just maybe….
You are Breaking the Law you Worthless MF POS !!
Every officer of the court, every member of the armed forces, every government official has the obligation and duty to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against any enemy foreign or domestic. Anyone who would knowingly damage the integrity of the Constitution and undermine the rule of law in order to advance a personal agenda that is inimical to the sovereignty and well being of our People does not come to this court with clean hands. These people are enemies of our Constitution.
Braking the constraints of our constitution DOES NOT make it legal or acceptable. It’s ILLEGAL…..and corruption makes it possible AND acceptable.
Where are all the veterans, past and present, who swore an oath to to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. “We the People” demand you honor your oath….
Fact, in defending the Constitution, The Uniform Code of Military Justice requires members of the Armed Forces to disobey illegal orders. And, in the case of alleged treasonous acts, members of the Armed Forces are constitutionally bound to arrest such offenders.
All it requires is for those who have taken their oaths of office to act on what they swore they would actually do.
“We the People” shaped by ignorance, conditioned by indifference and wrapped in silence allow this subversion of the promise of our constitution.
What a freak
Bill Ayers brother .