Barack Obama did something seriously un-PC this week. Call it a “micro-aggression” or “shaming.” It probably won’t get Obama in hot water from the Social Justice Warrior-set.
It would — if they ever bothered to get angered by Democrats.
Generalizing or stereotyping people by race may be a PC no-no when done by Republicans, but Obama seems to be getting a free pass. During a speech this week to the Congressional Black Caucus, Obama got just that, claiming that he would be offended if blacks didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton — effectively “shaming” black Trump supporters.
So much for free through and expression.
The remarks weren’t exactly subtle, either. He literally said he would take it as a “personal insult.”
Maybe Obama thinks people like him a little more than they do. It’s doubtful that many Trump supporters will be persuaded by a desire not to insult Obama. In fact, it’s probably more of an incentive.
See Obama’s quote on the next page:
Idiot traitor Muslim
I consider it a personal insult that Obama has reduced everything in this nation since the Martin kid to race! He is not concerned with facts and has put our law enforcement officers in harms way. He cannot be trusted to try and do what is best for this nation.
Vote for Trump
you are a personal insult to all americans all politics seem to be corrupt but your the worst
When are they going to put a flip off button in the emoji section
Boy you better grow some thicker skin…you are not on best likeed list or even who gives a damn what you thin list.
“The Great Divider”
Ok my black brothers and sister insult him by voting trump he has insulted you guys by not bringing you up from the depths of poverty nor has any democrat leader
You have abused your power and insulted every citizen in this country!
Than take it !’n