“But the debate over repealing this law is over. The Affordable Care Act is here to stay.” stated Obama Monday night.
“I (have) got to admit I don’t get it, why are folks working so hard for people not to have health insurance?” he asked. “Why are they so mad about the idea of someone having health insurance? Many of the tall tales that have been told about this law have been debunked. There are still no death panels. Armageddon has not arrived,” he also stated, to laughter.
No, Armageddon hasn’t arrived…at least not yet, Mr. Sotoreo.
This is just the opening scene of the play you’ve been cast as lead in.
If it is so great why are you making yourself exempt???? Not only yourself but many others. If it is so great why fine people to get them to sign up? Why make people pay for insurance they do not need, therefor running up the cost of insurance. Why regulate so many other laws embedded into it?? Laws that have yet come to the surface. You can start by answering these questions. Then trust me there are more.
for the first time in my life I’m able to go to the doctor without breaking the bank. I don’t understand why people are pissed about that
Liar liar you to talk to the real people who have nightmares from Obamacare
It must not be going to well. He called it the ACA and not Obamacare.
liar, liar’
take your Obamacare and stick it right up your ass you retard
Hang that piece of $#%&!@* on the black house lawn where everyone can see it….Along with his snake old lady….
They are not coverd by it because they know it sucks !!!!
For the unfortunate few who have no comprehension of the US Constitution– the Feds are specifically prohibited from handling Education & Health — for the States & Cities are specifically tasked with such instead — for they know exactly the correct solutions that will best deal with local situations & problems & NOT Washington!!!
I am so tired of having you point your BIG finger at us and demand your way..Stupid tuck you tail and run & hide with your Muslium brothers!!