“But the debate over repealing this law is over. The Affordable Care Act is here to stay.” stated Obama Monday night.
“I (have) got to admit I don’t get it, why are folks working so hard for people not to have health insurance?” he asked. “Why are they so mad about the idea of someone having health insurance? Many of the tall tales that have been told about this law have been debunked. There are still no death panels. Armageddon has not arrived,” he also stated, to laughter.
No, Armageddon hasn’t arrived…at least not yet, Mr. Sotoreo.
This is just the opening scene of the play you’ve been cast as lead in.
Not only arrogant but really dense!
your a lying $#%&!@* and I hate everything you stand for ,your a faggot and a racist.
LOON”S!!! Are they from Planet URANUS?
Exactly … Key word “YET”
Hahahaha! What a dumbass statement. he doesn’t understand Americans very well. 😉
because you love socialism doesnt mean we have to we love our american way of life why dont obama and his cronies go elsewhere so they can have their socialist ways
Wait til Folks get their claims turned down stating their plan doesn’t cover it! They will see very, very little paid to the Doctor and you will all end up paying out of pocket even after your deductible! Then….Obama will tell you you needed to read the “Fine Print!” **ENTERTAINMENT** A lot of SUCKERS out there!
Anybody that believes anything that comes out of this guys mouth is as crazy as he is. Dumbasses this guy is not even a American( he’s a $#%&!@* head )
He is a LIAR.