“But the debate over repealing this law is over. The Affordable Care Act is here to stay.” stated Obama Monday night.
“I (have) got to admit I don’t get it, why are folks working so hard for people not to have health insurance?” he asked. “Why are they so mad about the idea of someone having health insurance? Many of the tall tales that have been told about this law have been debunked. There are still no death panels. Armageddon has not arrived,” he also stated, to laughter.
No, Armageddon hasn’t arrived…at least not yet, Mr. Sotoreo.
This is just the opening scene of the play you’ve been cast as lead in.
Sadly He doesnt get it it! He doesnt get that there are people getting canceled, not qualifying because they dont make enough money AND dont qualify for medicaid , and cant find a dr to take their Obamacare plan! And premiums are more with less coverage! He is so far out of touch of the real world we all live in. He has absolutely no problem with his insurance. He doesnt have Obamacare.
The debate will be over in November when we either put the senate in more capable hands and effectively end this failed presidency, or don’t….admitting that we are no longer collectively intelligent enough to care for ourselves.
I agree Glen. No disease known to mankind or force on this planet could have done so much damage to the united states as barack obama. A name which will go down in shame and infamy.
Hey Barry take your Health Care law and shove it up your keyster, page by page.
$#%&!@* you you $#%&!@*ing N
what a foolish man and a foolish staff.
He doesn’t get it. This country is not a socialist country.
The debate will be ended at the voting polls dude, and you and old smirky face next to you will be talking to yourselves in a slimy back room