“But the debate over repealing this law is over. The Affordable Care Act is here to stay.” stated Obama Monday night.
“I (have) got to admit I don’t get it, why are folks working so hard for people not to have health insurance?” he asked. “Why are they so mad about the idea of someone having health insurance? Many of the tall tales that have been told about this law have been debunked. There are still no death panels. Armageddon has not arrived,” he also stated, to laughter.
No, Armageddon hasn’t arrived…at least not yet, Mr. Sotoreo.
This is just the opening scene of the play you’ve been cast as lead in.
Because the US is a republic. It’s not the socialist USSA that you want it to be, Mr. President (and I use the term loosely).
I was willing to give you credit for having above average intelligence, but when you just don’t understand that Americans do want to be told what they have to do or what they have to buy, the obvious became so clear–you are an idiot.
I never voted for this P.O.S.
My question as a Christian American, politics aside, is, “Why are so many of us opposed to ANY form of health care for the poor. Matthew 25 does not call it a socialist or capaitalist issue—Jesus calls it a heart issue. I sure am no fan of Obama of this particular law, but no Republicans ever have even proposed an alternative. I frankly am sick of all this hate talk and concerned abouth the hearts of our people, rich and poor….we shall be judged
What is it you don’t understand about the system that was already in place before the ACA? Poor people could get on Medicaid. If sick or injured, the charity hospitals are excellent hospitals, usually associated with university medical schools…teaching hospitals. All hospitals must accept patients in the emergency room, no matter if they have insurance or not…it’s the law! BTW, Republicans had proposed many good ideas when the bill was being debated, but were completely shut out of the process. The ACA was passed in the middle of the night without anyone knowing what it really said. We already HAD health care for the poor, long before the ACA was passed. The ACA is not about health care, it’s about control of the populace.
Obama was raised Communist, he doesn’t get it indeed !
shove your aca where the sun don’t shine
he will be gone soon and all his laws will be gone