Obama held a question and answer session on Twitter Thursday and many of the questions he received from the public are not only hilarious, but really do a great job in outlining how his administration has failed the American people.
We suggest not eating or drinking while viewing these Tweets, your funny bone will be too busy.
I’ll bet there aren’t many more of these QnAs on twitter. You just can’t control the crowd using this communication tool.
If you studied human anatomy, then you’d know it is a man.
The truth hurts don’t it survives crying he’s not the favorite president he thinks he is he’s the worst president United States ever had
He really is delusional if he didnt see that $#%&!@*nado coming. Lol
uhm..duh..enemy puppet without a teleprompter? lmao
he can’t answer any of these posts…..not with the truth anyway
he is a $#%&!@* anyway you look at him
Guess that he thought that he has made no big mistakes, when that is all he has done. I hope all you that love this BUFFOON has had a good taste of his healthcare program, that you are proud that your great, great, great grand kids will be paying off the debt our country is in because of the money given to those Muslim countries that he loves so much, and all those Muslims that hate America are living in your neighborhoods that he has left the borders open for all the illegals to cross and get all the benefits that were designed to help our disable and elders in their last year of life after they retired. All those trips and vacations that he and his family has taken at our tax payers expense. Why are so many Americans out of jobs??? Because democrats want a welfare state, but who and where are the tax paying workers to foot the bill for those that are to lazy to work, and why are doctors so quick to place some of these able bodied people on disability that have never paid a dime into the system. Thanks to Obama we now have Muslims in high offices of our government and the military. In my opinion of my 68 years of life you are the worst president this country has every elected to the greatest country in the world. I think that history will prove that, if we ever get history back in our schools. I’ve been in most of the countries around this small world. MCPO Navy retired.
We don’t have many people left in our country with common sense, as most of the younger people are drugged out all the time. MCPO Navy retired.
You are so right, William! Common sense is a thing of the past. It is what at one time made this
country great.