Obama held a question and answer session on Twitter Thursday and many of the questions he received from the public are not only hilarious, but really do a great job in outlining how his administration has failed the American people.
We suggest not eating or drinking while viewing these Tweets, your funny bone will be too busy.
I LOVED all those questions…they are soooo true
Relativism and Morality
Relativism and Morality within societies have differences that may never reach a degree of consensus among the numerous cultures. Are morals a learned behavior of rights and wrongs as philosophers continue to argue the relativism of morality?
When we view our world from a perspective of what is morally right and wrong, the relativism defines that not only do our cultures or societies validate morality differently, but each individual is so far removed from one another in their own consciousness on morals, who can decide what is right and what is wrong? How do we measure right and wrong? What comes to one’s mind may be unreachable and irrelevant to another.
In the argument of cultural and individual differences morality must be validated with an absolute consensus among all cultures beyond a reasonable doubt to validate consequences in the mind. Should our societies challenge the relativism of morality in an attempt to change human behavior? Are there universal moral requirements that must exist?
In reviewing our historic beliefs of right and wrong in all societies, we see in-differences and reason for some valid decisions of laws. One example being the laws that protect the innocent and punish the perpetrators of crime. Within our multi-cultural societies we must find a consensus of right and wrong to fabricate a moral conduct that validates the absolute good over evil and protects victims of crimes that are committed against one’s will.
Goodman (2010) noted in his evaluation of the international meeting of philosophers that Bimal Matilal was remembered for speaking out for relativism.
He conveyed, “that human norms must vary in their particulars from society to society and culture to culture.” He continued to add, “some norms worthy of universal support were: Respect for life, deference to truth, abhorrence of theft, and rejection of adultery.” (Goodman, 2010, Vol. 19, p. 1).
Goodman (2010) discusses that “part of what Matilal was seeking was common consent. But unanimity, he feared, is no proper standard for moral universality.” He added that, “consent is a helpful marker, but neither necessary nor sufficient to legitimacy. For some whose interests are critically affected by our acts have no effectual say in our choices.” (Goodman, 2010, Vol. 19, p.2).
Goodman is right in that humankind sometimes has no say in an unjust act that victimizes them. How can a child understand what is right when all they are ever subjected to is wrong? One would imagine that every human understands right and wrong from a conscious perspective, but in some humans the moral values and traits seem to be non existent from learned behavior and act in a conscious decision to be disobedient and defy what is to be considered moral.
Obedience to laws and moral values in a defining alternative to constitute a universal morality challenges us to compromise moral truths in all societies. Without morality and consensus of validity of the evaluation of truth our societies will lose our realization of what is right and what is wrong.
As Goodman (2010) suggests that there are certain things that are simply wrong, he discusses the areas of “genocide, politically induced famine, germ warfare, terrorism, hostage taking, child warriors, slavery, ploygamy, incest, rape, and female genital cutting.” He mentions that “all living beings make claims to life.” (Goodman, 2010, Vol. 1, p. 3 & 4). Most humans will agree that we all have the right to be who we are and no other should have the right to take away our right to be a child of innocence, nor do they have the right to take away our goals and destiny including the right to live.
Every individual should have the right to exercise their talents and have the opportunity to seek a life of happiness and fulfillment. No other being should have the right to take that away from them as long as they live within a universal moral standard that clearly defines what is right and what is wrong.
Relativism has no place in a society where the pleasures of one human being without conscious of morals forces their pleasures on another to submit to their wrongful desires that are unpleasing and harmful. Humans can be savage and filled with evil. Where there is evil there is also corruption and confusion of loyalty, honesty, happiness, and morality. We are all born with a distinction of truth in what is moral, correct, right, and wrong. We have the ability to consider and weigh the consequences where evil has it’s own consequences and good has it’s own rewards.
After identifying the reasoning of right and wrong and seeking the truth for a world that continually falls short in the expectations of many, without direction and goals that can be attained and are reachable within reason, we will sail into a perfect storm of demise and our existence will become obsolete. The question is how do we survive as a human race? How do we continue to maintain a structure and obey moral laws? Can there be universal morals?
There can be an effort to a consensus that constitutes universal morals. Morality must be validated with an absolute consensus among all cultures beyond a reasonable doubt to formulate consequences in the mind distinguishing right from wrong. Our societies should challenge and attempt to control human behavior that inflicts harm to others or threatens human life. Universal requirements must exist to continually fight the battle against all evil and wrong doing. Humankind deserves the right to live a full life with a moral conscious of right and wrong enabling each individual mind to measure a degree of respect for one another.
As long as evil breeds among us, there may never be a world of true morality and respect for others. We have all fallen short of what the true meaning of morals constitute in our own individual minds where relativism in cultures have scarred the conscious of many where right and wrong exist.
Goodman, Lenn E. (2010). The Good Society. Some Moral Minima.(Volume 19, Number 1, 2010), 1-13. DOI: 10.1353/gso.0.0097
@POTUS Come on, you can tell us…you and Baghdad Bob were brothers by another mother. re: #ISIS #AskPOTUS
He can’t answer questions at the podium, what makes you think he can on Twitter?
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More of a patriot than Reagan.
Stalin would be embarr$#%&!@*ed
You need some therapy dude! Desperately!
You mad?
^You stupid?